Bladder Pain Syndrome, also known as Interstitial Cystitis (IC), is a chronic condition that causes discomfort or pain in the bladder and pelvic region. It is often accompanied
Hematuria, or blood in the urine, is a condition where red blood cells appear in the urine. It can be a sign of a variety of underlying medical conditions.
Our comprehensive care for the removal of prostate cancer includes a variety of advanced treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and state-of-the-art surgical procedures.
Testicular cancer starts in the testicles, the male organs responsible for producing sperm and sexual hormones. Although it is a relatively rare type of cancer, it is the most frequently diagnosed in males aged between 15 and 34. Early detection of this cancer through testicular cancer screenings can help with effective treatment.
Dr. Mourad Abouelleil is a board-certified urologist who has been diagnosing and treating patients with kidney cancer across the United States at his Super Specialty Urological Care Center.
Hydronephrosis is a condition characterized by the swelling of one or both kidneys due to a build-up of urine. This occurs when there is a blockage or obstruction in the urinary tract that prevents urine from draining
Kidney stones, also known as renal calculi, are hard deposits made of minerals and salts that form inside the kidneys. These stones can vary in size and may pass through the urinary tract, causing severe pain.
Hypogonadism is a medical condition characterized by the body’s inability to produce sufficient amounts of testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, or estrogen in females. This condition can occur in both.
Dr. Mourad Abouelleil is committed to giving a full spectrum of care, including minimally invasive endoscopic procedures, bladder-specific chemotherapy, and immunotherapy.
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