Apart from immense pain, kidney stones tend to disrupt the normal function of your urinary tract. In most cases, diet impacts the overall risk of developing stones. However, stones may also indicate some underlying health conditions, such as inherited disorders, overactive parathyroid glands, chronic kidney disease, etc. Hence, a comprehensive urological assessment is crucial for diagnosing kidney stones. At Our Urological Care Center, we specialize in evaluating, managing, and preventing kidney stones through an intensive, multidisciplinary approach tailored to your needs.
We focus on advancing and applying minimally invasive and endoscopic techniques to treat kidney stones effectively besides administering medical therapies and dietary plans customized for kidney stone prevention.
As an experienced urologist, Dr. Mourad Abouelleil provides highly advanced and proven medical and surgical care for the following conditions:
– Kidney stones
– Urinary obstruction
– Enlarged prostate
Our minimally invasive approach does reduce discomfort and maximize outcomes. Here are some of the standout features of our program:
Success Rate – We have successfully treated many thousands of men and women for ureteral stones and kidney stones.
Advanced Proven Techniques – We are widely renowned for world-class surgeries that have produced satisfactory results. Some of them are advanced robotic, endourologic, open, prosthetic, reconstructive, and microsurgeries.
Patient-Centered Care – Our clients vouch for our services and preventive care approach with a major focus on patient education to prevent health-related conditions from recurring.
State-of-the-art Techniques – We hold expertise in advanced endoscopic techniques, including holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) and robotic-assisted laparoscopic simple prostatectomy. We are also known for our specialization in performing minimally invasive procedures such as UroLift and Rezum.
In case you have been experiencing pain in your back and side below the ribs, do not ignore the sign. This could be a sign of a kidney stone, which requires immediate attention from an experienced urologist such as Dr. Mourad Abouelleil. He will diagnose the precise cause of your discomfort and provide you with the best options tailored to your specific condition to eliminate your kidney stones. Call now at (561) 291-7182 for a consultation.
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