Also referred to as Robotic prostatectomy, robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy is the most advanced prostate cancer treatment option available for men. The procedure involves removal of cancerous tissue in prostate gland by creating tiny holes in the abdomen while preserving vital nerves and arteries responsible for bladder control and sexual function. Have you been diagnosed with prostate cancer? If yes then contact Dr. Mourad Abouelleil, a top rated urologist and robotic prostatectomy specialist who will assess your present condition in detail and if necessary, provide a robotic radical prostatectomy to remove the prostate gland for preventing the disease from spreading.

What are the benefits of robotic prostatectomy?

Robotic prostate surgery has numerous benefits over the conventional (open) prostate surgery, some of the benefits are listed below:
  • Significantly less blood loss
  • Significantly less pain
  • Less scarring
  • Faster recovery period
  • Improved urinary continence
  • Improved sexual function
  • Better clinical outcomes
  • Shorter stay at hospital

What to expect after surgery

The patient will be able to urinate with the help of a catheter inserted for about a week post surgery. The catheter helps in uninterrupted drainage of the bladder as required by the body into a small external collection bag which is emptied regularly. After removal of the catheter, it is common to leak urine for a period of time. Most patients treated with robotic prostatectomy can easily resume work in a few weeks time. They can also get on with more vigorous activities in about 6 weeks.

Schedule a Consultation

Our Urology Care Center is equipped with the most advanced medical technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of prostate diseases. Patients with prostate cancer come to West Palm Beach to get a professional consultation from the renowned robotic prostate cancer surgeon, Dr. Abouelleil. Schedule your appointment today by calling our medical clinic at (561) 291-7182 and complete the online contact form.